How satisfied are you with different parts of your life? If you were to describe or draw a picture of your life, what would it look like? Where would you begin? What parts would you change? What parts would you celebrate? Key components to achieving life satisfaction is greater self-awareness and whole person living; often referred to as a holistic approach. The following exercise is intended to give you a clearer sketch of your whole life.
In the first column fill in a number which best represents where you are today and in the second column fill in a number which best represents where you desire to be in each of the following areas of life.
Not Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Totally Satisfied
What areas have the largest difference between where you are currently and where you would like to be? These are the areas where you may want to focus and where life coaching can be beneficial. I look forward to you contacting me to discuss how you can begin today…. living the life, you desire!
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