Tammy Barnett

Category: Emotional Health

Let Go

Are there people, places, and things you need to let go of?
Sometimes we have to let go to allow better things to come into our life

I entered the new year feeling a little different than in the past new year’s. A sense of heaviness within me has been present and to date, it’s hard to explain.  As I continue to better understand this heaviness within me, I’m curious, how are you doing? Have there been changes for you? What do you hope for?  Is there anything that you need to let go of?

Some ideas and thoughts
My typical approach to life and when working with clients is almost always forward-focused. 

Are You A People Pleaser?

“Be a blessing to others, but don’t allow it to steal the joy and abundancy from your own life” -Joyce Meyer

Are you a people pleaser?

I’m curious, do you find yourself feeling trapped or aware of building resentment and overwhelm in your life? If you are brutally honest with yourself, do you often say yes out of obligation like, “I should do this,” instead of following your heart saying, “I really don’t want to do this”?

Ongoing people pleasing blocks you from becoming the best person you were created to be by putting personal growth, and goals on hold while you spend your life trying to please other people around you.

You might be a people pleaser if………

  • You continually make decisions in life hoping to make others happy.

Make It A Wonderful Season!

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year. With the kids jingle belling and everyone telling you to be of good cheer…it’s the most wonderful time of the year!”

For some people, this holiday song that gets stuck in our head is true, but for many people instead of this being a wonderful time of the year, the holidays are hectic, stressful, exhausting, sad, lonely, and the list goes on and on. How is it for you right now?

Here’s what I’m observing

Our lives are busy and anything but problem-free. Work, day to day chores, school, life problems, addictions, illness, or the loss of a loved one are present in our lives regardless of the time of year.

One Amazing YOU!

Could you use something simple to encourage you and help lift your spirits? Something simple to help you look and feel more alive and motivated?

The world is a challenging place right now and many of us are feeling overwhelmed, weary, and weighed down by the challenges we are facing. I don’t know about you but the last thing I need right now is another goal to set, another diet to start, or another boot camp exercise routine to show up to.

Consider for a moment 2 simple things you can easily begin today that will help you look and feel better.

Benefits of Walking

Sean Foy, an exercise physiologist, and behavioral coach recently investigated what the researchers from the American College of Sports Medicine,

Self Caring in a Messy and Complicated World

September is Self Care Awareness Month

If you would have asked me several years ago to define Self-Care, I would have thought back to the last time I had a manicure and pedicure.  Don’t Laugh, that was reality! Manicures and pedicures are great, but there is so much more to taking caring of ourselves.

Let’s face it… life is complicated.  The stress and energy needed to keep up with and care for family, home, and work can be overwhelming. On top of this, throw in the long term effects and  worry of the last two years or the poor choices a loved one continues to  make, and the idea of caring for ourselves can easily be shoved quickly to the side.