You can’t imagine how excited I was recently when one of my clients shared she was living a happier and healthier life. I asked if I could share a bit of her story to encourage you.
So, here’s a glimpse……
Sally (name changed) is married to a business owner who works many hours with limited time to spend with family. Together they have 3 children. The oldest is in college. The middle child just graduated from high school and has no concrete plans for the future and he is struggling with self destructive behaviors. The youngest child is in middle school and doing well. Along with her children, Sally also cares for her aging parents who want to live independently in their own home for as long as possible.
When Sally and I met for the first time she said she felt lost and stuck in a life with little meaning. To explain in further detail, listen to Sally’s words. ” The last 18 years has offered the wonderful opportunity of staying home and raising family, but has left me exhausted most of the time, overweight, and resentful of others feeling unappreciated for all that I have done for them. I spend a lot of time worrying about my children, lack motivation to make necessary life changes, and am fearful at the thought of restarting the career I once had. I want my life to be different, but I’m overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin”.
The first request I asked of Sally was to complete The Life Sketch Assessment to help her evaluate the different areas in her life and determine where she would like to begin to make positive changes. We began meeting regularly and as the weeks passed by, Sally began to feel a new sense of self-awareness allowing her to see a clearer and whole picture of her life. She became encouraged as she saw herself making small steps forward as she focused in areas of self-care, self-compassion, boundaries, gratitude, understanding her strengths and goal planning. Working on these areas helped Sally experience positive changes and a new life with hope for the future.
Today, Sally will tell you that she still has a way to go, but today, she lives a life filled with greater purpose and meaning and has come to appreciate the person she was created to be.
Maybe Sally’s story is similar to yours. There is hope for creating a better life and you can begin today!
What areas in your life are keeping you from living your best life? Take The Life Sketch Assessment today. I would love to hear your thoughts!
Peace and Gratitude,