What Fills Your Soul?

“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings you joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life” – Jean Shinoda Bolen

I sat across the room in a straight back chair facing my doctor.  It had been one of those mornings.  I got off to a late start, was feeling exhausted from a night of restless sleep and my sweet Golden Retriever had died just a few days earlier. Sadness loomed over me.

When I arrived at my doctor’s office late, I was ushered in by the nurse who asked me to step on the scale. Perfect….I  was up several pounds from the previous year.  Immediately following the news of my weight gain, my blood pressure was taken, and my score landed in hypertension zone.  My blood pressure has never been high!

Of course, being the person I am, I was not going to let this morning get the best of me.  I had myself convinced that I could hold it all together……… and then the doctor asked the question.  “How are you doing”?  Naturally, I replied like anyone else would have, “I’m fine.” 😊  “No, how are you really doing,” She asked.  Was it that obvious?  There was a moment of silence and then it happened.  I did my best to hold back my emotions, but the tears began streaming and nothing was going to stop them.

Lucky for me, I have a doctor who understands daily stress and life pressures and takes both seriously. I explained to my doctor that it had been a rough week, but I was okay. She then asked me another question.  “What are you doing daily to fill your soul”?

Before answering her question, I thought back over the last several days.  I had totally blown off my daily morning walks, my morning quiet time and meditation, I had not been sleeping well and I had over booked myself with commitments that I really should have said “no” to.  I knew better as I have reminded countless coaching clients to take time out for themselves, and at this very moment, I was experiencing the consequences of not taking care of myself. Not taking time daily to fill my soul!

What about you?

How are you feeling today? On a scale of 1 to 10 with one being low and ten being high, how would you rate yourself just for today? What emotions are you feeling right now? What aches and pains are present? Do you feel tired or well rested? Overwhelmed or at peace?

This week we say goodbye to Summer and hello to Fall. Perhaps this is also the perfect time for you to say hello to taking better care of YOU! Daily time out to take care of you!

What are you doing daily to fill your soul?

What do you look forward to?

What brings you joy?

What do you need to say no to so that you can say yes to you?

You and Your life matters!


Each day, I have the pleasure of walking beside coaching clients as they discover how to take life off hold and begin living the life they desire.  If you would like this, I would love to have a conversation with you!

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