Tammy Barnett

Just Be Kind

“Give what you want to receive and work on becoming the person you want to attract” –Courage to Change.


The other day I followed the same car for about 5 miles in traffic that was somewhat heavy with many lights, stops, and starts. The car was traveling below the speed limit much of the time and the congested traffic made it impossible to go around.  On the back of this car was a bumper sticker that read, “Just be Kind”. For the entire 5 miles I felt very challenged to be obedient to what the bumper sticker read because I had my own agenda to what this driving experience should be like and it was not crawling at a snail’s pace.

Ready To Jump In?

Moving Forward

My two-year-old grandson came for a visit last weekend.  While he and I were playing outside in his wading pool, he decided to throw some of his toys into the big pool right beside his little pool. The reaction on his face when the toys landed in the big pool said, “Oh no! …. Now what”?  He knows the water in the big pool is deep and because he has not learned how to swim yet, there is potential danger if he jumps in by himself. So, he held tightly to me as he and I entered the big pool together to retrieve his toys.

This experience started me thinking about you and me during the season of life we are currently living,

You Can Do This

7 Simple Tips for Today

May is Mental Health awareness month. Would you agree these last two months of the pandemic have challenged our overall mental health?  How is it with you? Do you believe it is possible to live a life that is thriving even in the circumstances we are living?

Consider these 7 simple steps each day…. beginning today😊

Be Kind to yourself. Acknowledge and grieve your losses and disappointments, your cancelled events, the days that are difficult or whatever you are feeling today.  Encourage and speak to yourself like you would a friend. No matter…. Talk to yourself out loud like you would a friend! Be aware of the self-conversations going on in your mind. 

What Are You Becoming?

We Become What We Think

In his book, The Magic of Thinking Big,  author David Schwartz  writes, the evidence it out. You are what you think you are, what your thought power directs you to become.

If you think you are weak, that you lack, that you are less than, that you will lose…….than you are domed to living a mediocre life.
If you think you are strong, what you do is important, you have what it takes, you are enough, your life matters…… than you are headed to a life that thrives.

Which best describes your recent thought pattern of yourself?

Whether you are 16,

The Race

As I think about life over the last 6 weeks I am reminded of running a ½ marathon. Stay with me……

I have participated in several ½ marathons and no matter what number it is, I am always nervous and anxious before the start of each race.

Once I find my pace at about mile 2 or 3, nervousness is replaced with rhythm and a greater since of peace that lasts until about mile 7 or 8. At this point of the race my adrenaline has slowed down, I am checking in with my body to identify how it’s holding up, and I become very aware that I am still about 6 miles out from the finish. It would be easy to say to myself,