Tammy Barnett

Temporary Relief or Restoration

Last week I had a really difficult day….     (2 minute read)

After arriving home, taking care of dinner and all the other evening tasks, it was time to relax. The problem was, I found myself not able to relax. Instead, I heard the little snack size Snickers candy bars calling my name. Then I heard a glass of wine calling my name. I knew either one of these choices or both would offer me instant relief to the day that I had just survived. After all, I deserved whatever was calling for my attention to help me find relief, right?

But wait, there’s more! The beautiful cool evening breeze and the idea of taking my Golden Retriever outside for a long walk was another choice I could make,


Get Out of the Pit and Move Forward!

My husband was making a sandwich for himself the other day. He was interrupted during the process and walked away from the kitchen counter. Almost immediately, our Golden Retriever, who is not a puppy and has been scolded many times, jumped up on the counter, stole my husband’s bread and dashed away to enjoy her prize. After 5 years of trying several tactics, counter surfing is one behavior we cannot seem to manage. If my Golden wants something, she takes it without any hesitation and seemingly no thought of repercussion for her actions! My Golden’s little act got me thinking about how often I hesitate or put off doing things I know need to be done.

I Should Have

Do you ever find yourself caught up in conversations like this?

Recently I have become more aware of a repeating phrase being used in the conversations taking place in my circle of friends, family and especially the conversations taking place in my own mind. The pattern, I call it……. The Would’ve Should’ve Could’ve Syndrome or the WSC Syndrome. It sounds something like this:

I wished I would have made that choice…….I should have done that…….I could have said that. In fact, I’m doing it right now. I should have started writing this article two days ago so I wouldn’t feel the pressure of finishing it by my deadline.

So, are these phrases helpful?

If you think back on the times you use these phrases mentioned above,

Limiting Beliefs

Recently I was having lunch with a friend. Nearby was a large table filled with a group of women. Their voices were loud, making it difficult to not overhear their conversation. As each one spoke, here’s what I heard……
“I would love to start a new career but I’m too old to go back to school.”
“I’ve always wanted my own catering business but I’m afraid it won’t be a success.”
“I missed my calling years ago and it’s too late to think about it now.”

Throughout the day this conversation remained on my mind. It made me think about my own life decisions and dreams. The ones I have acted on, the ones I did not pursue,

Go Ahead and Celebrate!

Recently, I met with a client who has been trying to make a couple of positive changes in her life. The week before we met, she experienced a setback. She began our conversation by calling herself stupid and weak. She then proceeded to explain how disgusted she was with herself to the point of saying she might as well give up and quit trying to lose the extra weight and cut back on her drinking. “After all, I’ve tried time and time again, and I always fail.”

I asked my client to think about how she would respond if this were her best friend talking to her about this disappointment? Without hesitation, my client said that she would try to encourage her friend to keep trying and help her recognize this is just a setback.