Tammy Barnett

Make Today Count

Continuing to find hope

Over the last year, I have slowly added 10 pounds to my waistline and for the last six months I have been telling myself that mirrors and tight clothing do not lie… and action needs to be taken.  Week after week I would promise myself to start something next week….sadly, next week would come and I would still put it off.

“TODAY IS A GOOD DAY FOR A GOOD DAY” reads a picture hanging in my home office. This reminder has been a thorn in my side on the days when it seems easier to give up and give in, but these words have more often been words that remind and inspire me to MAKE TODAY A GOOD DAY.

What’s Next

Finding Hope Looking Forward
The Benefits of Hugs and Handshakes

Today we continue to live with the many uncertainties the pandemic has invited into all our lives. These uncertainties cultivate many questions about our future.

One question I have been asked a lot lately is, “When this is all over, will we go back to shaking hands or will I ever feel comfortable giving and receiving hugs again”? As I thought about this concern, I tried to wonder what it would be like to live in a world with no human touch.

I remember not so long ago learning about a research that was done on premature babies in NIC Units.  The study addressed the importance of human touch during the first several days after premature babies were born. 

Hope for Today

Want to replace worry and fear with hope and happiness?

Over the last few weeks our world has experienced many changes and we all have been affected differently by the uncertainties of the Covid-19 virus.

Is it possible for good to come out of this experience?

During times of challenge and difficulty the idea of being grateful may not be the first thought that comes to mind.  In fact, becoming consumed by the daily negativity that reminds us of what we do not have control over can be easy to get caught up in. But……. focusing on and giving thanks for what we do have will help us to find hope ….

Just Today

Peace for today and hope for tomorrow

As I sat in my morning meditation time today, I found it difficult to bring about stillness. Normally I look forward to this quiet time and most always find peace, even when life is not going as smooth as I would like. Today was different, my mind was stuck in racing mode, with thoughts of all the chaos going on around me. The last couple of day’s cancellations, disrupted schedule, lack of household necessities, and the fear of what’s next was starting to get to me. I had warned myself and even promised myself earlier in the week that I was not going to let this happen. But it did. I had to admit this morning,

How Much Is Enough?

Giving to others, creating life balance, and setting healthy boundaries
(4 minute read)

Yesterday, I had a conversation with a kind and beautiful friend. It had been several months since we spoke and when I asked how things were going, my friend replied with a big sigh and said, “I am exhausted!” In addition to working full time and taking care of her home, she is raising two young children and a teen. This is enough to exhaust anyone.  Then, 6 months ago, her mom moved in and the thought of having some extra help from her mom immediately landed on my friend’s wish list. Unfortunately, the opposite has come true. My friend is now taking caring of her mom who has several health issues that demand more time than is available.